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About “Kevin Oddy”


My Name is Kevin Oddy, I am happily married and retired from a business my wife and I ran for 20 years. I live in Ontario, Canada. For the last 25 years I have been very interested in the Hollistic approach to healing and medicine. I found Spooky 2 and was aware of Rife frequencies and how they worked, this made complete sense to me. My wife and I bought a system which includes Scalar, Generator X along with the necessary accessories. I want to start in the academy and learn as much as I can about this technology.

I retired from our business in 2018 when I was diagnosed with stage 3 B-Cell Lymphoma by my Acupuncturist. I went to a natural path who worked with my acupuncturist to treat the cancer and was clear in about 7 months, on top of this I also suffered from chemical poisoning (Hi levels of Benzene in my blood, directly linked to lymphoma) Also had hi levels of lead and Mercury in my system. The heavy metals put me in a wheel chair for almost a year. I am fully recovered and healthy.

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